2023 Boys Summer Camp

Monday, June 26 - Friday, June 30
(for current 8th - 11th graders)

Cost $300

Check-In: Monday, June 26 at 4:30pm
Session 1:  Monday, June 26 (5:00-8:00pm)
Session 2:  Tuesday, June 27 (5:00-8:00pm)
Session 3:  Wednesday, June 28 (5:00-8:00pm)
Session 4:  Thursday, June 29 (5:00-8:00pm)
Session 5:  Friday, June 30 (9:00am-12:00pm)
(Friday is a fun day of inter-squad scrimmages)

Camp Director: Aidan McCluskey, RHS Boys Varsity Coach

Location: RHS Stadium Field

Registration Deadline June 16

Each player will receive a soccer ball.

No refunds - cost can not be prorated. Fee covers field rental, insurance, coach/trainer salaries and equipment. The RHS Boys Soccer Boosters receives any additional monies after expenses.  If cost is an issue please contact Aidan McCluskey at mcdubs@aol.com

2023 High School Boys Camp

For payment, please send a check along with your student’s name, age and grade level to:

Nicole Liu / RHS Boosters
306 Westgate Road,
Ridgewood, NJ 07450

A parent will be required to sign a waiver at check-in.


2023 Middle School Boys & Girls Camp

Is your child a middle schooler and would like to get an early start? Here is an opportunity for current Ridgewood 5th-7th grade boys and girls to train with Ridgewood High School coaches, RHS soccer alumni and current players.