Parent Information for
Incoming Freshmen & RHS Students


What to expect during our season!

Parent Meeting  Mark your calendar for a Parent Meeting with the Coaches at 8 pm on Wednesday, June 7.  (Incoming Freshman Parents will meet with Athletic Director first at 7 pm.)

Pre-Pre Season Activities:

Team Camp: Week of June 26 - 30 & Optional Summer Training starting July 3rd.

RHS Blackout Period: (No sports from July 29 - August 6)

Practice begins Monday, August 14th. Practices run Monday thru Friday and often one day on the weekend. It is mandatory that all players attend with the exception of illness, family emergency or pre-approved absence. The practice schedule are emailed, and we use a team app (smartphone app) that stays up-to-date. Changes to the practice schedule are communicated to the players each day. Team captains create group chats or Facebook pages for their team to reference. Please encourage your child to train throughout the summer.
Coach Aidan will post a suggested training schedule to maximize strength and endurance as well as tactical and technical drills to hone soccer skills. It is expected that every player will be fully prepared for tryouts and committed. Please refer to the website for this season’s scrimmages/game schedule (subject to change).

Varsity Retreat:
From August 20 to the 22 the varsity team will be having a retreat at the Golden Goal Sports Park near Lake George, NY.

Car Wash:
Saturday, August 26th from 9AM-4PM. No rain date. Girls across all three teams will be mixed and placed in groups with specific time slots. The car wash is a great fundraiser and wonderful team-building event. Parent volunteers needed to coordinate this event. Once identified, team reps will communicate details for the freshman, JV and varsity teams.

Team Photo: Will be scheduled in September (Date TBD) on our fields. Rain date: TBD.

Super Soccer Saturday (SSS):
Saturday, September 23rd (Final date TBD). This event is part of the season kick-off. Both men’s and women’s teams have alternating games throughout the day. The boys are scheduled to play at XXAM (Frosh), XXPM (JV) and XXPM (Varsity). We host a concession stand in coordination with the women’s team. Many parent volunteers will be needed to help coordinate and staff this event.

Pasta Parties:
Pasta parties begin in early September once the season officially begins. Details to sign up are TBD.

Senior Day: TBD

Banquet: December 6th